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Sunday, August 17, 2008


Things are looking a little different around here! Thanks to Jeanna for making me a new banner. I re-did things because I was ready for a change. We all need a change from time to time. THANKS JEANNA!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

We Heard The Heart Beat!!!

Woohoo! I didn't post about our last appointment because I was bummed. The Dr. tried to find the heart beat but only tried for like 30 seconds and then quit with no success. I told her I wouldn't freak out since I was still kind of early and I had seen and heard it by ultrasound several weeks ago. I got home and what did I start doing? Freaking out. David ordered a doppler that same day and it came yesterday. I was able to find the heart beat after searching for several minutes. Landon was listening and then the baby moved. I told Landon the baby moved and he said "Baby went to get a toy." Where does he come up with this stuff?

I was able to find the heart beat a little quicker after David came home. At that point Landon heard it and said "That's my baby brudder!" Hmmm...wonder if there is any truth to his statement? Unfortunately we have to wait until October to find that out. Is it October yet?

Landon is so funny to talk to. His imagination runs wild. Every morning I get him up I lay on his bed with him for a minute or two and tell him good morning and ask if he slept good, etc. I also ask him if he had any dreams. Well, this morning he told me yes. The conversation went like this:
Me: Landon, did you have any dreams last night?
Landon: Yes!
Me: What did you dream about?
Landon: Dark clouds.
Me: What were the dark clouds doing? (expecting to hear rain or something logical...)
Landon: The cows went to sleep (WHAT????)

So he either dreams weird dreams or he has a hard time telling me about them!

In other news, I have started back to work. Man am I tired! My classroom is almost set up. I have a lot to get done before Tuesday though when the kids come back. I will get it done though! We have meet the teacher Monday and I am anxious to meet some of my new students. I also plan on telling parents then that I am pregnant. Let's hope that all goes well!

Well, I am off to make a grocery list, eat breakfast, and hop in the shower!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lack of Intelligence?

I consider myself to be a fairly smart person. In a little over 4 weeks I will have my Master's degree. I teach children as well. Why is it though that I lack common sense when it comes to my child?

I am one of those parents who bribes their child through the grocery store with the promise of some sugary not good for you treat IF you stay in the cart and are good. Landon did those things on our regular shopping trip this past Friday. In the check-out line I saw a 3 Musketeer's Bar that looked so good. I figured we could split it in the car. Reward for me and Landon!

I believe that is where I went wrong. Maybe 5 minutes down the road Landon began fussing about his hands and face being dirty. I looked in the mirror and saw my child covered in chocolate. Not only were both of his hands covered in chocolate, his face from his chin to right above his nose was covered. I had two wipes in my purse and passed one back hoping that would pacify him until we got home shortly after.

Moral of the story time get something non-chocolate even if I think the chocolate looks better.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


You know it has been a while since you have blogged when you have to log in again. Good thing my password was saved, I would be afraid to have to try and figure it out. Not too much has been going on. To answer a previous question, my due date is March 5th. I know I said in my last post it hadn't changed, but I never said what it was. DUH! Sorry about that.

I start back to work next Wednesday. We have several work days before the kids come back. I got my roster yesterday and I have a full class of 15 students. A new school year means one thing...I got my hair cut. I rarely get my hair cut since it seems like such a hassle, but I always get it done right before starting the school year. Below is a picture. Please ignore my awful looking skin. Seems pregnancy hormones don't like my skin and make me break out!
This pregnancy so far has been pretty good. I am 10 weeks today. I go back to the Dr. Tuesday and hope to hear the heartbeat. I believe we heard Landon's around this time as well. I got brave this morning and took a belly shot. I am in the am I fat or am I pregnant stage. I started off with some fluff around the middle as well which doesn't help. I no longer fit in my fat pants though so have resorted to maternity pants when I leave the house. They look better and feel so much better. Here is my belly shot...and Landon's. Monkey see, monkey do!
Speaking of Landon, I am in awe of how he has grown over the summer. While he is still wearing diapers, he has become so verbal and imaginative. When in a good mood when he wakes up he greets us with a "Good Morning!" Just this morning he was chasing an invisible bug out of his room...he will turn anything into a train...and he still swears there is a bunny rabbit in my tummy. The other day he told me his ear was off. Still not sure what he meant because he told me he could still hear and it didn't hurt. Later David asked him about it. He reached up to his ear, turned his little fingers while making a clicking noise and said "on." Whatever it was, he fixed the problem.

I suppose that is all for now. I am going to enjoy my last two days at home with Landon. He starts daycare Monday and David has Monday and Tuesday off so I am sure we will find some fun things to do without Landon. It will be nice to spend time with just David for a while! I will try to post an update after my appointment on Tuesday.